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MDM Marine Services Optimist Team Racing

The MDM Optimist Team racing event took place on Saturday the 11th of March in “Home Bay” of Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club.

A popular format, team racing is often requested by the younger sailors, but rarely do they get their wish due to the full sailing calendar. Thankfully, and in large part, due to the fantastic sponsor (MDM Marine Services), local sailing judges and organisers a Saturday afternoon was identified that could work.

There were 16 entries, which meant that the organisers could make four teams of four.  To keep racing fair, the sailors were ranked into 4 categories based on Nationals results, team racing experience and current designated fleet (A or B), before having their names drawn from a hat.  In the end, we had the following 4 teams:


Blue Team  Green Team Red Team Yellow Team
Joshua Keytel Dylan Hall Blake Madel Oliver Steenkamp
Jack Cumming James Rae Scarlet Celliers Joshua Nankin
Tom Henshilwood Faith Lyons Ross Mukheiber Jens Dugas
Finn Steenkamp Michael Mukheiber Sean Van Aswegen Cullam Emmerich

The schedule of races was for a Round Robin phase, where each team would sail against the other teams at least once; with the winning team scoring 1 point.  After the round robin phase, there would be sail off (best of 3) for the 1st and 2nd place teams as well as 3rd and 4th place sail off:

The scores after the round robin races:

Red Team = 3 points

Green Team = 2 points

Blue Team = 1 points

Yellow Team = 0 points

In the 3rd and 4th place sail off, the Blue Team found some form and beat the Yellow Team after 2 races.  Whilst, in the 1st and 2nd final, the Red Team who won all of their round robin matches, continued that form into the final, winning the final after 2 races.

After the action, there was a sponsored burger braai and drinks for all competitors, judges and volunteers.  There was a festive vibe at the prize giving and the winners, the Red Team, received a cash prize of R800.  In addition, the following special prizes were handed out:

  • Rookie of the day (top B Fleet sailor) – Sean Van Aswegen
  • Spinning Top (most turns) – Finn Steenkamp
  • Top Gun – Dylan Hall
  • Capsize award – Josh Nankin

Feedback from the event was very positive with many of the sailors asking for more frequent Team Racing days.   I’m happy to report that the sponsor has confirmed, MDM is on board for next season and wants a bigger and better event, so look out for next seasons event!

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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