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Zeekoevlei Weir Maintenance

The Zeekoevlei weir is in need of some maintenance. We are going to replace the weir boards but the grooves in the cement of the weir have eroded on the inside causing stones from the cement to stick out. This meant when the planks are in the weir they are not sitting flush against the wall causing water to leak round them. It has gotten to the stage that that the swelling of the wood will not block up the holes.

Do you know if any club members could give us some idea on what we can use that is not metal or rubber (the rubber makes pulling the planks out almost impossible when we open up the weir) to line the grooves so that the weir will not leak?

Also there are issues with people pulling out the planks out, outside of draw down, causing havoc with the water level. Would anyone be able to come up with a simple design that we could put into place and lock the planks down so people can’t just pull them out?

Any assistance/advice would be

Thank you

Kind regards,

Victoria Day
Reserve Supervisor
False Bay Nature Reserve
Tel: 021 400 3437

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