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ZVYC News 1 December 2016

Dear Members and Friends,

The North Sails Regatta was well supported with over 50 boats on the water, from 7 year old’s to 70 year old’s! The club had a great vibe from early morning to late evening. Thank you Rick Nankin and your North Sails team (it was good to see all the old dinghy sailors from North Sails back at the club) for the great prizes and for sponsoring this great day! See our Facebook page for photo’s and results! 
We would like to thank our volunteers for their help on Safety and Committe boats, without you, this regatta would not have been possible:
Barbi Rickard, Piet Groenhof, Margarethe Schaefer, Lenore Holliday, Tony Diekmann, Rob Slater, Keith Hill, Stu Penney and Chris Deary! Thank you!

Pre-Nationals Youth Training
Thank you to Peter Hall for arranging this great week (Monday to Thursday) of pre-Nationals youth training. We had Roger Hudson and Asenathi Jim on board as well as Claire Walker and Josh Selig coaching alongside, as the juniors were racing in the channel with winds in excess of 25 knots for all 4 days. Results and pictures to date are on our Facebook page. A big thanks to North Sails for the prizes.

Twilight Thursday Sailing
There will be no organised sailing this evening as most boats are loaded up and headed to TSC. This has been a great seriers here at the club and we will resume the Twilight series from Thursday 19th January 2017.


Safe travels to our members who are sailing at The Southern Charter Classic at TSC this weekend! Good luck and fair winds!

The club house will be closed this Saturday and there is no organized sailing on Sunday. The club staff will not be here, but the manager will be in attendance from 09h00 to 13h00, tuck shop is open for light meals.


December, 3rd & 4th: Southern Charter Classic 2 @ Theewaters Sports Club
December 9th, Friday: Members Annual Get Together gathering before you go away on your holiday, Upper Deck from 17h00 (bring some snax, fires will be lit as well)
December 10th – 17th: SAS Youth Nationals @ TSC including Dabchick 60th year celebrations
December 10th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
December 17th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 14h00


Calling ALL members and Vleibours:

Before leaving for your holiday destination, come to the club on Friday 9th December from 17h00 and enjoy a festive evening with fellow members catching up on all the old news for the previous 12 months!
We had a bumper season and what better way to end it off than with friends & family, great music and dancing.
Please bring a plate of eats or nibbles to share, and Rochelle will also have some snax for sale.

Please bring at least a R50 donation for the amazing band we have lined up from 19h00! Kids under 18 free.
The Rivertones are a Cape Town reggae band playing all the familiar hits of Bob Marley.

Come dressed to the theme and win a prize for best dressed and best couple!

You don’t want to miss this one!




Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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