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ZVYC News 24 November 2017

Dear Members and Friends,

Last weekend was the final of the Vlei Rat Series. Well done to all our competitors. Get the full results HERE


MDM Sponsored Regatta THIS Sunday
Have you Entered? Early entries go into the draw for a Musto Travel Bag and hunger buster after sailing! Email Kathryn at the club with Name, Class, Sail Number and Crew if any:
Read more HERE


Saturday, 25th November: Power Boat Skippers Course 08h00 to 17h00; club hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
Sunday, 26th NovemberMDM Sponsored Regatta
27th to 30th November: Pre-Youth Nationals Training, 15h00-18h00
29th & 30th November: SACS Fun Sailing 09h00-14h00
Saturday, 2nd November: Alfred’s quad sprint 07h00; club house hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
Friday, 8th December: Members Year End Get Together, upper deck from 18h00

Power Boat Skipper Course Cat E
Saturday, 25th November, 08h00 to 17h00. Read More HERE

ZVYC Pre-Youth Nationals Training Regatta – Optimists, Dabchicks, Lasers
27th to 30th November, 15h00 to 18h00. Read More HERE

SA Sailing Western Cape Champs – 30th March to 2nd April 2018
On behalf of SA Sailing WC Exco we are pleased to announce that it is our intention to sail our WC Championships 2018 in Table Bay, launching/docking at the Waterfront Basin. Read more HERE…

Our Pastel program had a corrupt file and we have lost the last month of capturing. Please bear with us as we recapture invoices and transactions. We will do our best to send out current corrected statements by late November.

Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Ron & Kathryn

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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