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ZVYC News 27 February 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,

This Weekend

Junior Training continues at the Club this Sunday from 10h00 with training provided for beginner Optimists only.

This Sunday there will be organized racing at Zeekoevlei with a round of the Autumn Series being sailed starting at 10h30.

Talk and Q&A about Sailing on the ISAF World Cup and Olympic circuits
We are lucky to have visiting 470 sailors in Cape Town at the moment and they will be talking at IYC this Saturday about their experiences of regatta’s overseas.

“Want to know more about sailing the ISAF World Cup and Olympic circuits? What does it take, how do the sailors prepare, what do you need to do to get to that level …….
 SAS is privileged to announce a short talk and Q&A with the Canadian 470 team (Jacob &  Graeme Saunders), Swedish 470 team (Carl-Frederick Fock & Marcus Dackhammer), SA  470 team (Roger Hudson & Asenati Jim), SA Laser sailor Stefano Marcia and a few of the  SA youth 470 squad.Where: IYC (Zandvlei in Cape Town)

When: 5pm on Saturday 28 February (after the WC Southern Charter Inter-Schools day 1 of sailing)
What to bring: Questions
Cost: FreeThere will be sailing for the Southern Charter inter-Schools competitors during the afternoon so come down early and share the experience.  This is open to all sailors. Looking forward to seeing your there”.For Your Diary

TRIATHLON -Bone of Contention
Start training now for the ZVYC Triathlon on Sunday 15th March. Three Legs: running, cycling and rowing/sailing. You can be a one man team doing all 3 disciplines; or form a team with a single person for each leg! We will even accept entries for single legs. We hear the Commodore is entering a family team. A handicap system based on experience and age will be incorporated.


Due to the clash with the IYC SC Inter-schools this weekend (they changed their dates) we have decided to postpone the MDM Series as follows:
MDM SERIES     ROUND 1          SUNDAY 22nd March
This year we have come up with some novel changes and the proposed series will consist of
1st WEEKEND STARTERS CUP RACES (many short races to a windward mark only).
2nd WEEKEND SLALOM RACING’S (short beat and run zigzag through at least 4 or more buoys in line).
This racing is weather dependent and the weekends may still be swapped.
Just to prove there is such a thing “AS A FREE LUNCH” all competitors will be given a FREE lunch voucher to the value of R50.00 on each of the race days.
Many thanks to Hylton Morris of MDM SERVICES

ALFRED ROWING CLUB TALKS – Friday, 6 March 2015
In the next in the series of Alfred Rowing Club talks related to Zeekoevlei, two authors join in conversation to share their experiences at Zeekoevlei.
Martinique Stilwell and Liesl Jobson are familiar faces at the vlei, Niki, as she is better known, sails a 420 with her husband Bryant, and Liesl is most often seen in Hunch, her single scull.

Other News

We are rapidly approaching our year end and can we implore all our members to settle their balances still outstanding to the Club. If you need a statement, please contact the office urgently. The AGM is scheduled for the 14th May 2015.See you all down at the Club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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