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ZVYC News 27 October 2016

Dear Sailors, Rowers and Friends

Summer has arrived and it is time to make sure we get the most out of our long summer evenings and have lots of fun on the water.
Starting, today, Thursday 27 October, we will be having relaxed twilight sailing/ racing starting at 17h30 and running as late as the weather allows.  This will run every Thursday evening with the last one for this year being 1 December.  We will do an update by 3pm on the day as to the weather conditions on the “ZVYC Thurs Twilight Sail” WhatsApp group so please ask either Kathryn or your class rep to add you.
Time for fun on the water ….. We look forward to seeing you there!

Alfred’s Members: If anyone is in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, you are welcome to row there as an ARC member!


Junior Training (Optimist & Dabchick), Final Spring Series Rnd 5 at 10h30, and the special Sunday Afternoon Racing scheduled for 14h30. Come on Lasers – Where are You!!!?

Members – we are looking for assistance on the Committee Boat for Sunday morning racing at 10h30 this weekend. If you can help, please contact me at the club 021 705 3373 or email Also, any volunteers for Upper Deck Bar are always welcome. Sunday afternoons are “vibing” now with food available and iPod music to end off the day.

Rochelle’s Kitchen will be open from 12h30 at the Galley! Tuckshop open from 09h00. Afternoon Sailors, be sure to book your hunger buster at lunch time for after the racing!
Chicken Kebabs w Roast Veg
Lamb Chops w Mash
Cajun Chicken Burger
Creamy Mushroom Pasta


October 29th, Saturday: Kiddies Sailing Party from 14h00 using the braai/pool area
October 30th, Sunday: Junior Training, Spring Series Final & Afternoon Racing
November 5th, Saturday: Clubhouse hired for a wedding starting at 15h00
November 10th, Thursday: ZVSC hosting a braai from 17h00
November 11th, Friday: TGIF – not to be missed, Upper Deck open from 17h30
November 27th, Sunday: North Sails Regatta Day, start making arrangements now so that you can attend this important event. We are looking for Volunteers for Committee Boat and Safety. Please contact the office.


Speed Limit
Home Bay is a no wake zone. Should you be in a safety boat, please adhere to the speed limit of 5 knots. Also, please be reminded that water-skiing is only allowed in Stormy Bay.

Bart’s Bash 2016
The results are out! Get them HERE.

Dolly Wheels and Boat Parking
Dolly wheels should be securely bolted onto your dolly. We have had reports of dolly wheels moving around the boat park. All equipment and spars should be securely placed under your boat cover or if you are worried they can be locked away in the secure storage. Enquire in the office.

Water Restrictions
Members, due to Government Water Restrictions that are applicable on the 1st November 2016, all hosepipes will be removed from the boat parks. Rowing and Sailing boats may be washed with a bucket only.

Swimming Pool: NO bombing is allowed in the pool. A fine of R150 will apply to anyone who does this.

Please also take a quick shower and save water.

Read more about it from the (CoCT) City of Cape Town’s website HERE.

Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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