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ZVYC News 4 August 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,

The Vlei is full and sailing has begun! The clubhouse is closed this weekend so please contact the office should you require anything from the club. As of next Sunday, we will be open again for the upcoming season.


August 9th, Tuesday: Woman’s Day. Club House closed
August 11th – 14th: SAS Instructors Developers Course, Upper Deck 09h00 – 17h00
August 28th, Sunday: Junior Registration from 09h00
September 4th, Sunday: Opening Cruise from 09h00
September 11th & 12th: Oppie, Laser and 29er Youth Camp at ZVYC
September 17th & 18th: ZVYC Spring Open Regatta

We’d like to wish three of our young members good luck abroad!
Ashley Rudolf, Hamilton Slater and Matt Ashwell!

Ashley Rudolph (Zeekoevlei Sailing Centre) is currently in Spain to take part in the RS Tera World Championships!

Hamilton Slater has gone off to China as part of the WC team at the Qingdao International Sailing Week & Marine Festival! They’ll be participating in the Qingdao International Optimist Training Camp & competing in the Qingdao International Optimist Regatta.

Our National Champ Matt Ashwell is in Largs, Scotland. He’s sailing in the 2016 Volvo Optimist British National Championships that started today. Matt had the honour of reading the Sailors Oath for the International sailors at the opening ceremony. Lots of well known international sailors attending.
All the very best Matt!!




Hezron Chetty – Friday 29th July

Thank you to Hezron Chetty and his band for entertaining us on Friday night! Members and Friends who attended enjoyed the show immensely and we even had some dancing and fun arm-wrestling (Andrew & Doug :-))





Calling All Juniors! Registration is on Sunday 28th August 2016 from 09h00!
ZVYC has an exciting NEW junior training program! Meet the coaches for the season as well as the Commodore and Committee.

ZVYC Opening Cruise – Sunday 4th September 2016 @ 09h00
Calling ALL members! Diarize Sunday 4th September 2016! Come down to the club for a spectacular Opening Cruise! BRING A FRIEND OR TWO! Bring the Family! We will have an action packed day starting with The Commodore’s Welcome and Guest Speaker Greg Bertish (thelittleoptimist).
After lunch, there will be a fun sailing race and guests can partake in the sailing on our club boats!

Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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