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ZVYC News 9 July 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,

WPSA – Team to China?

SA Sailing (what does SAS do for us?) has together with the Western Cape Government, arranged a sailing exchange with China to participate in Quingdao (Olympic venue) for a 2 week period 12/23 August.

The time line for submission of your completed applications is extremely tight and your application on behalf of your children MUST be in our offices by 09h00 Monday 13 July 2015.

The size of the team we don’t know but will be based on the demographics of the area (70% Black, Colored or Indian, 30% White) the total of the team is to be split 50% each to gender. Age limits 13 to 36 years.
Sailing Classes: Optimists, Bytes, (suitable for Laser, Tera & Dabchick Classes) 420, Keel boats (6/7 crew), Kite Boards & Windsurfers.
We believe our members can qualify and urge you to consider submitting an application on their behalf.
The 2 links setting out the finer details of the proposal are attached:
Chinese_Exchange.pdf and SELECTION_CRITERIA_CHINESE_EXCHANGE_jul15.pdf
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can assist.



Our monthly Sunday Lunch was held on the Upper Deck with a fire to keep us warm. With 25 members attending, the menu was sublime and enjoyed by all!
Our next Sunday Lunch will be on Sunday, 2nd August! Menu to follow – please book with us at the club or with Rochelle –

Alfred Rowing Club News
Dear all,
So Alfred RC was represented at the annual  Head of the Bay regatta by yours truly and Fabien Jean. It is a 12 km row in the Durban harbor, so the water is mixed, some good, some of it very lumpy. It was a beautiful morning; I rowed a double with Stephen Mullins of DRC ( he visited Alfreds for our 150thcelebrations) and we set off at 6:10. The chaps get up early…..
In his inimitable way, Fabs took the show; he first rowed in a quad that broke the long standing course record; he then decided that 12kms of racing was not enough, so he went and sculled the distance too, achieving the second best sculling time of the day on handicap! Out of about 6 medals to be won, he won three!
So the flag of Alfreds flew high; it is a very nice largely social row that we could do as a club next year, put  a quad or 8 together, they are very happy to loan out boats.


LIPTON CUP on Table Bay – Sunday, 12th July 2015

The first race is at 12h00 noon. We are sure guest boats are available for our members that would like to go out on the water. We wish our team, skippered by Heidi Burger, good luck and fair winds. Incidentally for those that want to keep track of the racing each day, there is a very good internet race tracker. Visit the RCYC website for details.
These are our ZVYC Members (in no particular order):  Nicola Burger – Courtnay Meek – Robyn Patrick – Nina Pienaar – Heidi Burger – Cathryn McDougal – Carla Swanepoel

WIMBLEDON LADIES SINGLES FINALS – Saturday 11 July 2015 @ 15h00
RUGBY – RSA VS REST OF THE WORLD held at Newlands @ 17h00


RUGBY – RSA VS AUSTRALIA – Saturday 18th July 2015 @ 12h00
What a great opportunity for a potjie competition. The club will donate a bottle of Champagne to the winner!


Vacancy: Full Time Position
South African Sailing Team, High Performance and Training Administrator
Click to download: SAST_Administrator.pdf

Click here to see our Calendar for August and September: 2015_ZVYC_Events_AUG_SEPT_01.pdf

We have a new email address for all account enquiries:

Club Members: Please complete our Boat Parking Storage & Conditions Form to enable us keep track of your boats & equipment: ZVYC_Boat_Parking_Storage_and_Conditions.pdf.
Fax back to us on 086 208 0473 or scan and email to
Once payment has been made, please visit us in the office to collect your stickers.

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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