ZVYC News 21 October 2014
Dear Sailors and Friends,
North Sails Regatta this Sunday 26 October
You will have received a separate mail earlier about the North Sails Regatta scheduled for Sunday, we are keeping the successful format used at the SC Spring Open Regatta, scheduling the 1st race from 10h00 and if the conditions are good break for lunch, and then another 2 races in the afternoon.
It promises to be a great regatta with a great fleet entering!
Free entry, free drink and free boerie roll, great North Sails prizes and the Southern Charter Advantage Mark will be used!
Enter online now, here
Optimist News
We welcome back our sailors who have been sailing in the African Optimist Championships well done to our members, Arin Long, Kai Leslie, Lawrence Wilson, and Amber De Decker, who competed.The group was split half way after 6 races, Gold and Silver and there were 73 sailors in total
Big Congratulations to Arin Long who came 4th overall in the Gold Fleet, and the RSA Team who came 4th in the Team Racing competition.
Final Results here
Last weekend
Junior Training a swinging weekend with beautiful weather. The courses were oversubscribed with us having to close entries at 60, kids slept in the Clubhouse with at least four chaperones and it survived.
The course covered an intensive Laser coaching with an up-country expert
Coach, Optimists were mostly “B” fleeters, as well as some 1st time sailors.
Our Dabchick newcomers experienced 1st time sailing in a group.
Bishops Yacht Club also have a 3day (non sleepover) Camp run by Sail Pro
Many many thanks to the Coaches assistants Rochelle and all other helpers, a really busy weekend.
Craig Leslie’s pics from the camp can be viewed here
More great news from the Rowers
Dear All,
Alfreds was represented at the Midway Classic Regatta in Knysna in both the Saturday 1000m and Sunday Heads regatta. Firstly a big thank you to the crew members who helped make this a great weekend of rowing, racing and socializing. We certainly have a resurgent club and the results achieved were awesome to say the least. A big thank you to Peter Hedley-Smith who not only can Cox and steer an eight without a skeg but towed the boats safely there and back.
Alfreds certainly put Masters rowing into the mix of competitive
rowing in the Western Cape and the results are available on www.regattaresults.co.za. We also had a composite crew made up of two of our ladies (Bev and tweet) and three masters from Cape Coastal who rowed a brilliant race in the coxed quads heads event. The shortened race report is that the masters eight finished within 5:30 of the fastest U19 boys boat over the 7km course. The composite CCR/ARC mixed quad finished within 2:30 of the fastest girls U19 quad while managing not to be overtaken by any crews. Both boats finished comfortably in the middle of the field.This is no mean feat when you consider no handicapping is used and our equipment is heavy and archaic compared to the high quality boats used by the schools top crews. Fabien, Peter and I will assist the visiting British girl’s crew who will be using our boats tomorrow morning with rigging so the boats will be rigged and unloaded for you. Training can start again on Tuesday morning.
We may well have to race a coxless quad against the eight as we have yet to secure a second eight as the universities are unable to assist. If someone has influence over the schools who will be there we could perhaps borrows a school boat failing which a 4x- against the 8 will be a good race as I will select the fastest possible combinations. I am still trying to field a ladies 4x+
Racing makes for good training and one of our head coaches, Guy
Biscoe will be videoing and watching, to feed back into training sessions while you are under racing conditions at Misverstand.
Once again a huge thank you to all of those who made Knysna such a
wonderful experience and to those who missed out the photos will be circulated and you will be regaled with heroic tales ad nauseam.
Captain Kirk
As it is now past the opening cruise, members who have not paid their subs and other dues are in default and names could be displayed on the Notice Board. We don’t want to lose your membership – if you are having a problem with paying your subs, we ask you to please contact us so we can make a mutually suitable plan to keep your membership on going
Student Casual help needed
The Club is desirous of being open on Saturday’s we are anxious to have a couple of students on duty doing Reception work. Currently it is quite quiet but we anticipate things to pick up over the summer season. We envisage hours of 09h00 to 13h00 and 13h00 to 17h00. Ideal secure quiet location, ideal for studying and earning some pocket money at the same time. Any members know anybody interested please have them contact the office on 021 7053373 or email us on manager@zvyc.co.za
Club Email Address
Please note that the club email address has changed to manager@zvyc.co.za. Please update your email address book accordingly. The old email address will still work for a few months and mails to this address will auto-forward to the new one, but please update your records nevertheless.
Wishing you a great week, and see you on the water this weekend!
Yours in sailing,
Ron & Anna