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SAS Council Presentation Invite – Friday 3 June 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,

SAS are hosting a presentation at the club this coming Friday for Commodores and Flag Officers at 17h00. All members are welcome to join after the presentation at 18h30 for a braai and social evening with the Councillors in the Upper Deck.

The braai will be served upstairs with 2 options:
R70 for Chicken, Boerewors and Salad
R85 for Chicken, Boerewors, Lamb Chop and salad.

Please RSVP to Wendy at SAS ( for catering purposes no later than tomorrow 17h00.

Below the message from Wendy:

“Dear Commodore/Flag Officer
The President and Council of South African Sailing INVITE you to attend a brief presentation of what Council has achieved over the past year and key initiatives that are underway.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Venue: Zeekoei Vlei Yacht Club
Date:     Friday 3rd June 2016
Time:     17h00

This session will be followed at 18h30 by a general social evening with the Councillors and fellow sailors. This will be in the form of a bring and braai. Braai packs will be on sale for R60 and fires will be provided by the Club.  Please ensure this is widely communicated at your club as we would love to see a strong turnout of sailors.
Wendy, SAS”

Best Wishes
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

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