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ZVYC News 2 June 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,


Reed Clearing at the Island, Sunday 5 June 2016
Members, Alfred Rowing are rounding up members to clear the reeds from the gap at the Island for easier access to the other side. We urge you to help in this regard. Please bring gumboots, old clothes and a garden fork. The cleared reeds will be stacked at the end of Island Road for CoCT to collect in their truck. Meet at ZVYC club house at 09h00, kick off is at 09h30.
The showers will be open to warm you up thereafter, and the Galley is open for lunch!
R70 for a delicious roast chicken lunch with pudding!


June 3rd, Friday: SAS Meet & Greet of Commodores (W/Cape) of SAS Executive Committee at ZVYC, 17h00. Members welcome from 18h30, Upper Deck
June 4th, Saturday: SAS Council Meeting 08h00 to 15h00, Upper Deck
June 4th, Saturday: Club house hired for a function 15h00
June 5th, Sunday: Tuck-shop open from 09h00, Galley Open for lunch at 12h00
June 6th, Monday: General Committee Meeting 18h30
June 11th, Saturday: RSA vs IRELAND 17h00, Upper Deck open from 16h00
June  17th, Friday: Club house hired for a function
June 18th, Saturday: RSA vs IRELAND 17h00, Upper Deck open from 16h00
June 19th, Sunday: Father’s Day
June 24th, Friday: ARC is hosting a talk, Upper Deck from 18h00


Laser Nationals
We have just been advised that the laser Nationals will take place in Port Elizabeth from the 1st to the 4th October 2016. Please follow the link for NOR and Entry Form:

Laser Spares Needed
We are looking for all Laser spares to get the Laser hulls in our abandoned boat park up and running for Junior training for the next season.

Bar Staff for the Upcoming Season
The club is needing bar staff for the upcoming season. Students and volunteers most welcome. Please contact the office.

Grassy Park Rowing Report Back
Please see the attached letter from Pier du Plessis (GPR Coach) setting out their performances of the season and goals for the future. The requirements are not difficult for us members to assist GPR and in view of their excellent performance this season we need to help them reach their goals and our goals in the transformation direction for the future: Piers_Regatta_Report_May_2016

Best Wishes
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ro

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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