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ZVYC News 9 June 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,


Saturday 11 June 2016

RSA vs IRELAND 17h00
The Upper Deck will be open from 16h30 on Saturday afternoon to screen the rugby!
Hot Dogs for sale. We hope to see you there!

Sunday 12 June 2016
The clubhouse will be closed this Sunday, should you require access for any reason, please contact the office before Friday. Thank you.

Construction at ZVYC
Should you be entering from the Peninsula road gate or entering the back of the clubhouse (behind the kitchen), please tread carefully as we are busy with construction works for the new ladies change rooms and outside toilets.


Reed Clearing at the Island
Thank you to ARC for bringing a team out to clear the reeds through the channel at the Island! Great job! See our Facebook Page for more images:

SAS Meet & Greet last Friday
The evening held a great turnout with over 50 involved sailors and Commodores. Philip Baum, SAS President, gave us an interesting insight as to what is happening in World Sailing (ISAF) and in RSA, where we are going to expect enormous pressure from the Government on transformation just like all other sports. Message from Philip below:

Dear Mark, Kathryn, Ron and Anna,
Thank you Zeekoevlei Yacht Club from all of the South African Sailing Council for the Club’s hosting of last week’s Council meeting. We also really appreciated the Friday evening’s festivities associated with the Commodores’  briefing and the subsequent meet and greet session.
Rochelle’s food, hospitable bar and tea and refreshments the following day were all superb. Please pass on our appreciation to Rochelle as well.
The backdrop of Table Mountain on a crisp winter’s day made for a wonderful environment for our deliberations. I was a very proud Club member.
Thank you!


June 11th, Saturday: RSA vs IRELAND 17h00, Upper Deck open from 16h30
June  17th, Friday: Club house hired for a function starting at 18h00
June 18 & 19, Friday & Saturday: Rowing Melck Run, Velddrift
June 18th, Saturday: RSA vs IRELAND 17h00

June 19th, Sunday: Father’s Day. Club house closed.
June 24th, Friday: ARC is hosting a talk, Upper Deck from 18h00
June 25th, Saturday: Club house hired for a function starting at 18h00
July 3rd, Sunday: Galley Open for Lunch
July 24th, Sunday: Christmas In July! Details to follow!


Laser Nationals
The laser Nationals will take place in Port Elizabeth from the 1st to the 4th October 2016. Please follow the link for NOR and Entry Form:

Laser Spares Needed
We are looking for all Laser spares donations to get the Laser hulls in our abandoned boat park up and running for Junior training for the next season. Members please have a look in your garages.

Ullman Sails in Cape Town has a number of Optimist sails which are for sale at cost price. There are 2 different types:
1) 2nd hand Radial Cut for intermediate/advanced racing. They were used once only for a film shoot. They have Swedish sail numbers. R2,000.00 ex VAT incl Bag.
2) Brand New Cross Cut for beginner/intermediate. These sails are approx 10mm undersized on the luff – hence the discount. Should make absolutely zilch difference to set or performance. R2,500. ex VAT incl Bag.
Either choice of sails does not include measuring or royalty tags. Tags are R200 + VAT.
To give you an idea of what a good deal this is – I was recently quoted R7,500 for a new J-Sail !
For more details, call Tony Strutt at Ullman Sails on 021 593 1620
Cal Tomlinson (Western Cape Optimist Association)

Best Wishes
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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