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Southern Charter Grand Slam Series 1 at ZVYC

Are you ready for ZVYC!
We’re really excited to have you take part in this year’s Souther Charter Grand Slam Series action!
Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club will be hosting our first event in just over 3 weeks time and wow do they have a cracking event planned for you!

Please follow this link to enter online.
Event Info:
Date: 19 – 20 September
Venue: Zeekoevlei Yacht Club
Camping: Free camping at the Club
Bart’s Bash: The famous Bart’s Bash will take place on the Sunday.
Multihulls: Unfortunately due to the size of the water we can’t accommodate multihulls at ZVYC there is a sister event taking place in False bay that we encourage you to attend!

Please go and visit the Southern Charter Sailing website to take a look at the fantastic photographs and to view the results.

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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