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Sunsail Club Champs


We are pleased to announce that the Finn class went out in the safety boat yesterday and have declared the Vlei as sailable! We can ask you to please enter today as we have a new results team who are not familiar yet with Sailwave and we would hate to delay the prize giving at all while the results are tabulated.
We have had 17 entries already and hoping by the start of the first race to have well over 30! (We also need your names for the Sunsail Club Draw.)
Also please remember that Rochelle’s Tuck Shop and Galley will be open both Saturday and Sunday. (Don’t forget to grab your free boerie roll and drink!)
Saturday Dinner: Butter Chicken & Rice or Butternut & Lentil Curry and Rice

Here are the trophy’s you can win sailing in the Sunsail Club Championships this weekend!

Processed with MOLDIV

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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