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ZVYC News 16 February 2017

Dear Members and Friends,

We have an action packed weekend coming up. Kicking it all off today with Twilight Sailing from 17h30, the forecast is looking great!. Then on Friday, TGIF! Upper Deck open and meals available, or bring and braai. Our LIVE weather site (Trax) is up and running again, check it out HERE.

Saturday, the Sunsail Club Champs start.sunsail-test2

First race not before 14h30, 2 afternoon races.
Saturday entertainment includes: Free Boerie Roll & Drink for all competitors and volunteers; Live Music Upper Deck; Happy Hour; Sunsail Holiday pre-draw

Sunday, Junior Training for Novice and Intermediates resumes at 09h00, A & B Fleets will be racing.
Sunday will have 4 races, two morning races, not before 10h30, then lunch, followed by 2 afternoon races, then prize giving and the final club draw for the fantastic Sunsail Draw (You must be here!)


February 17th, Friday: TGIF
February 18th & 19th: Sunsail Club Champs
February 25th, Saturday: club house hired for a wedding starting at 15h00
February 26th, Sunday: Junior Training and Club Racing (Autumn Series 1)
March 5th, Sunday: Bone of Contention. Details to follow


Special Rates Area (SRA) February Newsletter
Read the latest security news here.

Matt Ashwell is currently overseas in Spain sailing in the International Palamos Optimist Trophy 16-19 Feb! Read the full article here:

Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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