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ZVYC News 1 March 2018

Dear Members and Friends,

Welcome to March. Last weekend we had a great turnout with our juniors and training and with the wind picking up in the afternoon, there was much capsizing and laughter along with preparation night sailing for MAC-24 hour challenge.


Junior Training from 09h30 and Summer Series from 10h30.

Rochelle’s Kitchen Galley Lunch
Chicken and Mango Salad R60
Chicken and broccoli bake R30/R60
Creamy mushroom pasta R30/R60
Kids Pizza and chips R30
You will also find great burgers and waffles for sale
* Beer available at the Tuck Shop – Upper Deck open from 15h00

Rochelle’s Supper ClubJoin us for lunch on Sunday or take home one of these meals for supper! Please place your order by Friday!
Send your order to


Saturday, 3rd March: club hired for a wedding starting at 14h00
Sunday, 4th March: Junior Training 09h30; Summer Series 10h30
Sunday, 11th March: Junior Training 09h30, Argus Cycle Tour, Club Cruising
Saturday, 17th MarchAlfred’s Sprint Regatta 07h00; club hired for a wedding starting 18h00
Wednesday, 21st March: Bone of Contention Tri-Sail/Row-Thon, 10h00
6th – 8th April: Western Cape Champs, Langebaan (more below)

The “Bone of Contention” trophies are up for grabs! Get your teams ready (or enter as an individual)!  Send your entries to     Save the date: Wednesday 21st March – starting at 10h00!


Western Cape Champs – Langebaan, 6th to 8th April 2018
We confirm that Sanparks has granted permission for us to sail the WC Champs in Langebaan specifically from 6-8 April 2018 (school holidays).  We are in the process of finalizing the NOR which will be published before next week Friday, together with a list of accommodation, followed by the opening of online Entries with no increase in entry fees. 
NOTE  :  This event (WC Champs) is one of the selection events for Youth Worlds 2018. Information and further communication from HP Committee to follow in this regard.   Mirror Nationals will be sailed at this event.  The following Disciplines have confirmed participation : Dinghy, Multi-hull, Keel, Kite and Windsurfers.
Kind regards to all.

For the full letter, CLICK HERE..

SA Sailing Member ID
Members, PLEASE check your SA Sailing membership on SAS website and/or please follow the link to login/register:
The Western Cape Champs is a month away and you will be required to have your SAS ID. If you have any queries, please contact Wendy at SA Sailing:

Wanted: Dane is after a set of olden day, wooden oars for his rowing boat. Please contact us should you have a set you could part with.

Lastly, please ensure your boats are parked in their correct bays. We are in the process of auditing the boat parks and would appreciate your cooperation. In the future the parks will be under the supervision of Karen, and please contact her on this mailing address:

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Karen

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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