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ZVYC News 10 August 2017

Dear Members and Friends,

We are expecting good rains here later today, into tomorrow and Saturday! Keep up with your rain dancing! Alfred’s will be training on Saturday and Sunday at the club from 08h00.

New Start Time: 14h00

Last week we had 31 entries for the first in our Frostbite Series! For last weeks results, click HERE.
Will we have more Lasers, Sonnets, 420’s or Finns this week? Where are our Extras?
Clubhouse and Tuck-shop open from 09h00 to 18h00, Galley will be open for lunch from 13h00, Upper Deck open from 15h30 to close. Please get your hot drinks and cake at the tuck-shop and meals will be available after sailing from the galley!

WELL DONE to Alex Burger and Benji Daniel (KZN) for coming FIRST in the 29er Worlds!!!


Sunday, 13th August
: ZVYC Frostbite Series, races 3&4 – 14h00
18th to 25th August: Lipton Cup at RCYC
Sat & Sun, 19th & 20th August: SA Sailing Safety Boat Course at ZVYC
Saturday, 26th August: Alfred’s is hosting Cape Coastal Rowing for a
Heads Race 07h30; Clubhouse hired for a wedding, 14h30 using East lawn
Sunday, 27th AugustZVYC Opening Cruise 09h30; Frostbite Final 14h00
Sat & Sun, 2nd & 3rd September: Southern Charter Classic 1
Sat & Sun, 16th & 17th September: Youth Training Camp
Sunday, 10th September: First Junior Training session 09h30 (register from 08h30)


Southern Charter Classic 1 – ZVYC, 2nd & 3rd September
Entries now Open – Click HERE.  The Notice of Race HERE.
Registration at the club on Saturday 2nd September from 08h30 to 10h30.
First race 11h30.


Qingdao International Optimist Training Camp & Regatta 2017 – 10th to 17th August
Go Alex Falcon, Elisa Falcon and Chiara Fruet with Dylan Long! We are behind you all the way!

Wishing the Laser Radial Youth Team best of Luck for the upcoming World Championships to be held in Medemblik 11th – 18th August 2017
Sarah Jane Deary, Cullen Keytel, Sonja Stock & Kai Leslie

Lipton Cup Team ZVYC Tiletoria
The girls are ready! Good Luck to our team for the Lipton Cup.
From top left: Heidi Burger, Nicola Burger and Gail Wheeler
From bottom left: Nina Pienaar, Robyn Patrick & Tia Makohliso

Follow them on Facebook Team Tiletoria

The club is now a SA Sailing Accredited Training Centre! Thank you to all the team who put this together – Well Done and thank you to Neil Ashton for your inspection. Coaches and all members with Safety Certificates of any kind, please email a copy though to me at the club for our records!

SAMSA (South African Maritime Safety Authority) is holding at Skippers Course (one mile offshore) on Saturday, 19th August at HYC. Please see poster for details. Click HERE.

Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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