ZVYC News 11 April 2017
Dear Members and Friends,
Friday night hosted Dalton Gibbs talking on the the Vlei, it was well supported by the community. We will have more talks this coming winter, keep an eye out for the upcoming dates.
Sunday – Central Boating Sponsored Regatta
Though the wind was a strong Northerly, we had 18 entries, one start for the Open class and one start for the Optimist class. We managed 3 races, back to back and some great prizes from Central Boating.
Open Class Winners: 1st Laser Alan Keen, 2nd Laser Lance Burger and 3rd in a Sonnet were Richard Gaertner and Hamilton Slater
Optimist Class Winner: 1st Bryan Carstens, 2nd Dean Carstens and 3rd, Isabella Keytel.
WC Provincials – MBYC
Safe travels and fair winds to all our members partaking in the WC Provincials at MBYC this weekend.
Members, please know that the clubhouse will be closed over the Easter Weekend (14th to 17th April). Should you require anything from the club, please contact the office before Friday. Please ensure that you are on the gate system. The unisex toilets to the right of the braai area will remain open over the weekend.
April 14th – 17th: WC Provincials, Mossel Bay – entry form HERE
April 21st – 23rd: SAS Senior Instructors Course
April 27th, Thursday: Public Holiday, Vlei Drawdown followed by a bring & braai
May 6th, Saturday: club house hired for a wedding starting at 09h00 using the East Lawn
May 7th, Sunday: ARC AGM, Upper Deck 10h00
May 13th, Saturday: club house hired for a wedding starting at 15h00 using the East Lawn
May 18th, Thursday: ZVYC AGM from 19h30
Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron