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ZVYC News 17 March 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,


Congratulations to all our members who partook in the MAC 24 hour challenge! Team Mystic finished in second place while two teams from Zeekoe Vlei Sailing Centre and Team Mamma Mia all finishing in the top third of the event! Teams ZVSC with Luke, David, Nick, Ashley, Shannon & Dean. Team Mystic with Alex, Cullen, Elsje, Kai & Hamilton. Team Mamma Mia with Sara Falcon, Elisa & Stefan.
For results click the link: MAC_24_Hour_Handicap_Results_2016




March 19th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 14h00 using the East Lawn
March 20th, Sunday: Central Boating Champs at 10h30, No Junior training (School Holidays)
March 21st, Monday: Public Holiday
March 25th – 28th: Southern Charter Grand Slam 4 in Saldahna
March 26th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 15h00
April 2nd, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
April 3rd, Sunday: Autumn Series Sailing
April 10th, Sunday: Junior Training resumes at 09h30
April 24th, Sunday: MDM Series


Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 4 
If you haven’t already booked your meals, please book  MENU

Urgently calling/reminding all members to please help with driving safety boats, assisting on 3 bridge boats and also the shore administration. It does not have to be for the whole weekend, but a morning or afternoon session can always help. We have had zero response so far. We really need members to come forward and assist us in this event.

Thank You Lance Burger for his generous donation of a small RIB and engine to the club which will be used for training purposes. His generosity is greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,

on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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