ZVYC News 19 December 2014
Dear Sailors and Friends,
This is our the last Newsletter of 2014! If anything important comes up between now and the New Year, we will communicate this to you through our SMS system.
Last weekend at the Club
Alfred Rowing had a Social evening last Friday 12th December – they hosted a talk by Tommy Brummer a leading Town Planning Consultant on the subject being: “WHAT’S HAPPENING IN CAPE TOWN’S CBD” . The informative illustrated presentation focused on a number of new and proposed developments in the Central Business District.
More News from ARC
Dear All,
What to put in Xmas stockings:
As you start thinking what father Christmas can put in your beloved’s stocking the fateful morning of the 25th, allow yourself to consider the book “Deeds not Words”, a wonderful coffee table book that will be of interest to rowers past and present, as well as those with an interest in history.
The book price is being held down to R375.00 for the Xmas period before the remaining books are sold at a more market related price of R500.00. Books are available through Terry Marsh (terrymarsh.101@gmail.com ) or Anna at ZVYC (manager @zvyc.co.za).
It will be a tight fit in the stocking, but well worth it!
Kind regards,
For your diary
A change in the Sailing Calendar
The ZVYC Open Day and Dinghy Boat Show have now been brought forward by 1 week toSunday 11th Jan (to accommodate the Port Owen River Race weekend). The Open Day hopefully will exceed last year’s very successful event and we are profiling all the Club activities to attract new members. All kinds of visitor activities are being arranged and we are hoping all our members will come down and help promote the Club, there is plenty for everyone to do, please volunteer. The theme for the day will be “Bring a Mate” and if we all do this it will be a very successful day and possibly for the Club.
Sunsail Club Championships 14th and 15th February
Yes it is St. Valentine’s Day and all the festivities and action is going to happen on the Saturday, with the draw for the Sunsail prize of a week’s holiday at any of their world destinations taking place too. After racing on the Sunday our Club Champions’ will be presented with their trophies.
Other News:
SC Grand Slam 2 TSC
Congratulations to the more than 40 ZVYC members sailing in different 13 classes, who went to the Southern Charter GS 2 event, we trust you had an enjoyable time and are sure the away from home waters sailing was good experience for their sailing game. Congratulations to those who did well.
And lastly, and most importantly,
Festive Season’s Greetings!
Wishing you compliments of the season – may your festive seaon be joyous, and may 2015 bring you everything you wish for!
Reminding you we will be back and running for the ZVYC Open Day and Dinghy boat show on18th January 2015…
Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Fair Winds, and be safe
Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna and Ron