ZVYC News 2 February 2017
Dear Members and Friends,
Twilight Sailing Tonight: The forecast is looking challenging: www.windguru.cz
Starting from 17h30, home bay short, back to back racing. Upper deck open. Our website Live Weather station is down currently and being attended to. Thank you for your patience.
Well Done to our own, Matt Ashwell!
Sailor of the Month, February 2017!
Read the full article HERE.
There is no Junior Training or formal club racing this weekend. The clubhouse and tuck shop will be open on Sunday from 09h00 to 12h00.
Southern Charter Classic at HYC!
Good luck to all sailors partaking this weekend at HYC! Safe travels and fair winds.
Good Luck to our ARC team heading to the Harvest Regatta 2017 on Saturday in Elgin! Keep watching to see the results!
MDM Sponsored Slalom Series event. Unfortunately after much setting of courses & re-setting of courses the MDM Sponsored Slalom
event was abandoned due to very light wind coming from all directions and not making up its mind. Optimist Beginners & Intermediates had brilliantly light winds to try master the art of sailing. B – fleet Optimists trained & sailed their own course being the only course to get racing done in very light and switchy winds, and the A Fleet was entered into the MDM Series. For images and more on the MDM see our Facebook page: zeekoevleiyachtclub
Thank you Hylton and the MDM / Raymarine team for an overall, very enjoyable day!
February 4th, Saturday: club house hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
February 5th, Sunday: club house & tuck shop open from 09h00 to 12h00. No junior training or club racing planned
February 4th & 5th: Southern Charter Classic at HYC
February 12th, Sunday: Junior Training, Club Racing & Parent Open Day Sailing on Pico’s
February 17th, Friday: TGIF – MOVED from to Friday 10th Feb
February 18th & 19th: Sunsail Club Champs – details to follow
ZVYC Financial Year End: 28th February 2017
Please ensure that all amounts due to the club are settled by the end of February.
World Wetlands Day – 2 February 2017
The Two Oceans Aquarium has written a fantastic blog on “11 reasons why wetlands are vital for humans and animals”. Please follow the link below, and spread the word today about the importance of wetlands!
Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron