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ZVYC News 26 January 2017

Dear Members and Friends,

Twilight Sailing Tonight: The forecast is looking great
Craig will be RO this evening, starting from 17h30, home bay short, back to back racing. Upper deck open with Samoosa’s on sale for snax.


MDM Sponsored Slalom Series event. Have you entered? Please email the club with your boat class and sail number,NOW! We are hoping to eclipse the entries from last year and that the on-water Bridge will keep up with proceedings !!
All sailors and volunteers get a free burger voucher! Tuck Shop and Galley will be open for light snacks and lunches as well.

Junior Training will be going ahead, please be at the club by 09h00! A Fleets will be racing the MDM series; training will be provided for the novice & intermediates; B Fleets will be training for the Southern Charter Classic at HYC.

City of Cape Town (CoCT) & Friends of Zeekoevlei & Rondevlei (FoZR) are holding a Vlei Clean Up this coming Saturday on the water with boats for those that would like to help. Meet at 14h00 at the club jetty. Let’s keep our Vlei cleaner!! Why not bring and braai afterwards?


January 29th, Sunday: MDM Sponsored Slalom Series, Have you entered?
February 4th, Saturday: club house hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
February 5th, Sunday: club house & tuck shop open from 09h00 to 13h00. No junior training or club racing planned
February 4th & 5th: Southern Charter Classic at HYC
February 12th, Sunday: Junior Training, Club Racing & Parent Open Day Sailing on Pico’s
February 17th, Friday: TGIF – MOVED from to Friday 10th Feb
February 18th & 19th: Sunsail Club Champs – details to follow


ZVYC Financial Year End: 28th February 2017
Please ensure that all amounts due to the club are settled by the end of February.

SAS Request for Proposal – National Team Sailing League
Have you submitted your input yet which is due at the end of January? This includes provision of some 30 boats to be distributed among the provinces.
South African Sailing (SAS) intends to launch a National Team Sailing League with regional representation in the Northern Region, KwaZulu-Natal Region, the Eastern Cape Region and the Western Cape Region.
It is intended that this initiative increase the number of active participants in the sport by removing some of the barriers to participation, reducing the historically required time commitment and injecting a fresh approach to competition and event execution
To read the full document click HERE.

Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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