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ZVYC News 20 July 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,

BREAKING NEWS / STOP PRESS – Laser Masters Worlds – Keen Ties 1st Overall
What a disappointament for Alan Keen as he tied equal first with Mark Bethwaite of Australia after 12 races and was relegated to 2nd overall on the tie-break.

It was a stunning effort by keen who finished all his races in the top 3, with his worst finish a 4th – so he effectively discarded a 3 and a 4.
Bethwaite (previous world champion, Lasers) had two UFD (U-flag Disqualifications) results, both of which he discarded to end equal with Keen, but having more first places he took the title.
Alan Keen has been a very loyal and competitive Laser sailor for many, many years, so it is not surprise to see him doing to so well – but to have won would have simply been the ‘cherry on the top’ of an illustrious Laser sailing career.

Whilst on the subject of the Keen’s, congratulations to his son Bruce, previous ZVYC Member, who recently also won the Musto Skiff UK Nationals!

LIPTON CUP on Table Bay
Our Team who finished 11th overall.

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

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