ZVYC News 20 September 2017
Dear Members and Friends,
We had over 50 young sailors, including beginners, on our sail training sleepover weekend from Friday to Sunday. The wind was very strong on Saturday but the high performance division run by RaceAhead continued to do their training. On Sunday the weather was ideal with a light South-Easter with all participants on the water enjoying themselves. We also managed to attract new members to the club. For pictures from the weekend, see ourFacebook page.
Safe travels and fair winds to our members participating in the Finn (Swartvlei) and Laser (Aeolians) National Regattas taking part this weekend.
The club will be closed on Saturday and Monday. Members still have access to grounds and toilets in the alley to the right of the braai area. If you do not have change room keys, please arrange to collect during office hours at R40 a key.
Sunday – Heritage Day; The clubhouse will be open from 09h00 to 14h00, tuck shop open from 09h00 to noon. There is no planned club racing, members are encouraged to sail, gate starts are great and the buoys will be in the water.
Sunday, 24th September: National Heritage Day, club cruising/bring & braai/ tuck shop open from 09h00 to Noon
Monday, 25th September: Public Holiday
Sunday, 1st October: Junior Training 09h00, registration from 08h30
Friday, 6th October: TGIF from 17h00 Upper Deck
Sunday, 8th October: Quiver Sponsored Regatta – 11h30
Well done to Cullen Keytel on your nomination for WC Junior Sportsman 2017!
False Bay Spring Regatta Results HERE. Well done to our members who took part.
Trailers – Since hosting the Classic event we seem to have accumulated road trailers in the boat park again. The rules applicable to road trailers are they are not allowed in the open boat park and must be stored in the trailer park. This is for security reason. On Thursdays the club staff will go through the club grounds and remove any trailers to the trailer park. To get access to your trailer thereafter you will have to apply to the manager and pay the relative fee. We do allow temporary storage of trailers for up to seven days pending movements of boats to regattas but you must please advise the club manager accordingly.
Access to Club Grounds
By ringing the club buzzer for staff to open the gate is really a disruption to their hard working days. We have a very simple access system and that is via your cellphone and doesn’t cost you a penny to use. It works on a 24 hour basis and will give you access any time. All you have to do IS GIVE THE MANAGER YOUR CELLPHONE NUMBER AND SHE WILL ON EVERY THURSDAY INPUT YOUR NUMBER into the system.
Notice to all Members with Drones:
If you want to fly your drone from club premises, you know of course that FBNR (False Bay Nature Reserve – 021 400 3437) does not allow drones in nature reserves. You can apply in writing to FBNR and these will be the requirements that you must conform to –click HERE. Please comply with these and all other rules and legislation and YOU must be responsible.
First Aid Course at ZVYC – Saturday 7th October 2017
The course will cost R750 per person and a one day only. Your payment will secure your spot. Please contact the club office. manager@zvyc.co.za
Cape Town Boat Show – 20th to 22nd October
Best Wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Ron & Kathryn