ZVYC News 23 June 2016
Dear Sailors and Friends,
It is very difficult for us to keep up to date, particularly in the off season, with members sailing/rowing activities. Please take the time to give us a call or email(manager@zvyc.co.za) and advise us of any happenings. Like we are represented in this year’s Lipton Cup Challenge; Heidi Burger and her team will be sailing for ZVYC.
RSA vs IRELAND 17h00
The upper deck was open with members enjoying the warm fire and cheering on our Bokke who won!
Alfred Rowing Club Talks – Martinique Stilwell & Liesl Jobson – Friday 24th June
Hello Crew,
This Friday night will be the first Alfreds Rowing Club talks related to Zeekoevlei of the year with Liesl Jobson & Martinique (Niki) Stilwell – who will be chatting about boats and books at ZVYC on Friday, 24 June. The bar will be open from 18h00 and we will start around 18h30. The cost for attending the talk is R50 per person. There will be the usual raffle, and Rochelle will provide Butter Chicken & Rice (R60) around 20h00. Any vegetarians, please let us know so that we can cater for you.
Please let me know if you can make it for the talk and if you want dinner via email: liesl.jobson@gmail.com.
Martinique Stilwell and Liesl Jobson are familiar faces at the vlei, Niki, as she is better known, sails a 420 with her husband Bryant, and Liesl is most often seen in Hunch, her single scull.
Martinique Stilwell is a doctor and writer, who lives in Rondebosch. When she is not performing anaesthetics, she is writing feature articles for the Mail & Guardian and Getaway Magazine. On weekends she surfs and sails or scales rock faces in the Cedarberg. Once, however, Niki was a young girl living on a yacht and sailing the high seas with her family and their poodle Pepe. Thinking Up A Hurricane is a memoir of that salty childhood. It is published by Penguin.
Liesl Jobson is a senior correspondent for Books LIVE and an occasional bassoonist. She is also the author of 100 Papers (flash fiction), View from an Escalator, (poetry) and Ride the Tortoise (short stories). Her work has been translated into Italian and she most recently turned her focus onto the rewarding genre of writing for
children. A Fish and a Gift, explores issues of fatherhood, family and fishing, as experienced by the treknet
These two authors will share their experiences of writing and the influence of the water that underpins their various narratives. They welcome questions from the audience, and their books will be on sale
June 24th, Friday: ARC is hosting a talk, Upper Deck from 18h00
June 25th, Saturday: Club house hired for a function starting at 18h00
June 26th, Sunday: Club house closed
July 1st, Friday: ZVSC hosting a fund raiser karaoke at the club house
July 3rd, Sunday: Galley Open for Lunch
July 24th, Sunday: Christmas in July! Details to follow!
Members: The club house has free WiFi – contact the office for the password.
Boat Parking
Please come and identify your boats. Members have 6 weeks to identify their craft before we move them out of the boat yard prior to disposal. The photographs of the unidentified boats are posted on our website under Sailing. Here are the pictures of 6 boats we have selected as an example of the problem we have (as we identify the boats more photos will be posted):
1. OBP15 Laser Sail Number 133722
2. OBP36 Enterprise
3. OBP45 ?
4. OBP74 Mirror 5663
5. OBP75 CY 91602
6. OBP106 Mirror KPN2427
Best Wishes
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron