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ZVYC News 30 June 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,

We say Bon Voyage to Ron and Anna who are off to the States for a well deserved holiday for 5 weeks! Safe Travels and we will see you in August!


A big thank you to Liesl for organizing this event and having Niki do an amazing talk on her book, “Thinking up a hurricane”, I now have my hands on a copy and have started to enjoy a great winter read. The evening was not only a great social but also raised R1020 for the ARC, Grassy Park  development.
Thank you to all those who attended (as well as Captain Mars from Cape Coastal) and contributed to the raffle, once again a big thanks to Liesl, Nigel and Bernadette for the prizes.
Kind regards
Captain Kirk


Sunday, Galley Open for Lunch from 12h00
The weather is looking sunny and warm for Sunday, come and join us for lunch!

Butternut Soup R30
Chicken Casserole w Rice R65
Chilli Con Carne w Mash R65
Quinoa Stir Fry R65


July 3rd, Sunday: Galley Open for Lunch
July 8th, Friday: Upper Deck Dinner for ARC 18h00
July 24th, Sunday: Christmas in July!
July 29th, Friday: Upper Deck open from 18h00
August 7th, Sunday: Galley open for lunch
August 28th, Sunday: Junior Registration 10h00
September 4th, Sunday: Opening Cruise 09h00


ZVYC Constitution
Our revised Constitution is available to read on the website. Find it under About ZVYC, Committee, at the bottom of the page and under Join ZVYC.

Christmas In July
Rochelle’s Kitchen will be open for Christmas in July on Sunday the 24th July 2016 from 13h00.
Menu as follows:

Soup or Veg Quiche
Roast Gammon, Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes and Seasonal Veg
Trifle or Brandy Pudding
Coffee/Tea and Truffles

Kids Portions available


Best Wishes
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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