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ZVYC News 7 July 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,


Sunday was a beautiful day at the club. After Alfred’s cleaned up their shed, they enjoyed breakfast from the Galley. Lunch was well supported by the locals enjoying the warm winter day!


Great News! The weir gates go back in this Friday (8 July)! Are your boats ready for sailing/rowing?

The clubhouse will be closed for Saturday and Sunday. Please make arrangements with the office should you have any requirements.

Lipton Cup Challenge
The Opening Ceremony for the Lipton Cup is this coming Saturday from 15h00 at Royal Cape Yacht Club, members are welcome to join to support our team! We wish Team ZVYC(Tiletoria) fair winds – Heidi Burger, Nicola Burger, Nina Pienaar, Robyn Patrick, Gail Wheeler, Else Hugo and Lauren Caroline!

The TracTrac website will be live from the start at 11h00 on Sunday 10th July: where you can follow the racing (blow by blow)!
Also racing in the Lipton Cup from ZVYC is Greg Davis, Cullen Keytel, Luke Topass and Mornay Harding!


July 8th, Friday: Upper Deck Dinner for ARC 18h00
July 24th, Sunday: Christmas in July!
July 29th, Friday: Upper Deck open from 18h00
August 7th, Sunday: Galley open for lunch
August 28th, Sunday: Junior Registration 10h00
September 4th, Sunday: Opening Cruise 09h00


Laser Nationals
Laser sailors take note that the venue for Laser Nationals has been changed to Pinelake inSedgefield. The dates remain the 1-4 October.

Optimist Balers
Members who use HTH in their swimming pools, please can you save your HTH containers and drop them with us next time you are at the club. We need them for the Optimists. Thank you 🙂

Christmas In July
Rochelle’s Kitchen will be open for Christmas in July on Sunday the 24th July 2016 from 13h00.
Please book directly with Rochelle or 0723487223. Menu as follows:

Roast Gammon, Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes and Seasonal Veg
Trifle or Brandy Pudding
Coffee/Tea and Truffles – R90

Kids Portions – R45

Best Wishes
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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