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ZVYC News 23 March 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,


With over 25 boats on the water, the Central Boating pre-SASWC Easter Champs race day was greatly enjoyed by all members who took part! The winner’s of fabulous vouchers from Central Boating are as follows:
Laser Standard: 1st Alan Keen, 2nd Pete Wilson, 3rd Lance Burger
Laser Radial: 1st Sarah Jane Deary, 2nd Hilary Gardner, 3rd Patrick Jackson
Sonnet: 1st Rick & Joshua Nankin, 2nd Davey Amy & Riley James, 3rd Mornay Harding & Lance
Optimists: 1st Alex Falcon, 2nd Tristan Tomlinson, 3rd Joe Groenhof
RS Terra: 1st Ashley Rudolf, 2nd Shane


The Club House will be closed for the Easter Weekend. However we do have a wedding planned for Saturday starting at 15h00. Members will still have access via the gate system. Please contact the office before Friday should you have any specific requirements.

Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 4 
Good luck to all our members partaking in the Champs this coming weekend! We
wish you safe travels and fair winds.
PLEASE TAKE YOUR “ON THE WATER CLOTHING” WITH YOU, because we are still urgently calling/reminding all members to please help with driving safety boats,
assisting on 3 bridge boats and also the shore administration. So far we have had no volunteers from our club which does not bode well for the future as we must do everything to encourage a strong sailing base at our club. It does not have to be for the whole weekend, but a morning or afternoon session can
always help. We really need members to come forward and assist us in this event and it will
help to keep sailing alive and well in the Cape..


March 25th – 28th: Southern Charter Grand Slam 4 in Saldahna
March 26th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 15h00
March 30th to April 1st: Finn Nationals at Club Mykonos
April 2nd, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 16h00
April 3rd, Sunday: Autumn Series Sailing
April 10th, Sunday: Junior Training resumes at 09h30
April 17th, Sunday: Junior Training at 09h30 & Autumn Series Sailing at 11h00
April 24th, Sunday: MDM Series 10h30 & Junior Certificate presentation at 13h00
April 27th, Wednesday: Drawdown at the weir followed by a bring and braai at ZVYC. All Welcome
October 1st to 5th: Laser Nationals, Algoa Bay

Safe travels and return over the Easter Weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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