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ZVYC News 30 April 2018

Dear Members and Friends,

Admirals Cup (20th-22nd April) was well attended in Hout Bay with ZVYC members in the winning boats both in the dinghy fleet as well as the keel boat fleets.
Dinghy Fleet Overall:
1st – Ian McRobert (Extra); 2nd Phil & Gina Eltringham (Sonnet); 3rd Yusuf Sampson (Laser)
ORC Offshore Admirals Sword Overall:
1st Philip Baum (Nemesis, Cape 31); 2nd Greg Davis (Scud, Cape 31); 3rd Lance Burger (CuAI6(PO4)(OH)8.4H2O, Cape 31)
For Full Results click HERE… For Images click HERE

Sonnet Champs (27th-29th April) at Saldanha had 31 entries and again, well done to our members!
1st – Stephen du Toit & Thomas Slater 
2nd – Roger Hudson & Alex Falcon 
3rd – Asenathi Jim & Rivaldo Arendse
1st All Ladies Crew – Linda Raubenheimer & Karen Slater
1st Youth Crew – Tristan Tomlinson & Sienna Jones
For all the images, please see our Facebook page.


Sunday, 6th May: Alfred’s Annual General Meeting, 10h00 Barry Barbour Room
Thursday, 10th May: ZVYC Annual General Meeting, 19h30 Main Hall
Sunday, 13th MayMother’s Day at ZVYC


Lipton Cup, 6-13 July 2018 
Team Tiletoria will be representing ZVYC in Durban this year at Point Yacht Club. Our team will be: Heidi Burger, Nicola Burger, Robyn Patrick, Nina Pienaar, Tia Makohliso and Gail Wheeler, with coach Taariq Jacobs.
And, well done to our team for being awarded an amazing 1st Place in the L26 Class, as well as a 1st Place in the team racing at the Admirals Cup at HBYC!!

2018 Youth Sailing Worlds Championships – 14-22 July 2018
We would like to congratulate Cullen Keytel on being selected to sail in the Laser Radial Class in Texas, Corpus Christi in July! ZVYC is behind you ALL the way! Well Done Cullen.

SA Sailing is looking to put together a team for the Youth African Games taking place in Algeria, 21-26 July 2018 in Laser 4.7 (and Bic Techno 293+ Windsurfers). Full details on the selection requirements can be viewed here. Applications for selections close 12 noon 19th April 2018. 

Mother’s Day at ZVYC, Sunday 13th May 2018
**PLEASE book directly with Rochelle by Wednesday 9th May or 072 348 7223 Booking Form HERE
Let’s spoil our “First Lady” this Mother’s Day from 12h00! Mum’s will receive a glass of Warwick First Lady Dry Rose on arrival (Upper Deck open), there will be fun games for whole family and winning Mum will Wine & Dine free! Yes there is amagnum of Warwick First Lady Cabernet Sauvignon up for grabs!
This promises to be a fun filled day for the whole family, not to be missed!

Members Menu R150 – Non Members Menu R170

Caprese Salad or Cream of Tomato Soup
Roast Beef with Roast Potatoes and Veg or Stuffed Chicken Breast and Veg
Berry Pavlova or Chocolate Mousse
* Vegetarian and Vegan Meals available on request

Kiddies – R60
Beef or Veg Burger and Chips
Ice-Cream and Chocolate Sauce

Enjoy Worker’s Day tomorrow and members, we would greatly appreciate if you could attend the Annual General Meeting next week Thursday. Annual Reports to follow later this week.

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Kathryn & Karen

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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