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ZVYC Final Notice & Committee Reports for Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,

Please find the Committee Annual Reports on this link: 2018_Committee_Reports

Notice is hereby given that the Eighty-sixth Annual General Meeting of the Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club will be held in the Clubhouse at Zeekoevlei on May 10th, 2018. Pre-Drinks on the upper deck from 19h00 with the meeting to follow at 19h30.

  1. To confirm the minutes of the eighty-fifth Annual General Meeting held on Thursday, 15th May 2017 (posted on Club’s Notice Board)
  2. To submit and if approved, adopt the audited accounts (currently at the Auditors) for the year ending 28 February 2018, (not to be circulated electronically but will be available at the meeting or on request by members).
  3. To submit and if approved, adopt the Annual Reports for the season ending 30th April 2018.
  4. To consider and if approved by a two-thirds majority, increase the subscriptions.
  5. To elect a President, Vice-President, Patron-in-Chief and Patrons as well as Honorary Life members, if any.
  6. To elect Flag Officers, Chairmen of Sub-Committees, additional members of the General Committee.
  7. Presentation of the H.A. van Hoogstraten trophy for dedicated and outstanding service to the club.
  8. General

    a)  Changes to the Constitution for the NPO Status; and voting rights for Master in Charge and Head of the Parent Body for Schools that have a permanent presence at ZVYC

    b)  Presentation of drawings for the new Bishops Rowing Shed on Bene Bibi and approval thereof for development


  1. The Minutes referred to in Item 1 are posted on the official Notice Board in the Clubhouse.
  2. Nominations for Item 6 (Committee) may  be handed to the Secretary forthwith, bearing in mind Clause 10 and Clause 11 of the constitution
  3. Only those Members as specified in the Constitution and whose fees are fully paid up by May 10th, 2018 are eligible to vote.

Kathryn Hartley
Yacht Club Manager


Notice is also hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Alfred Rowing Club will be held in the Upper Deck at Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club on 6th May 2015 at 10h00.

  1. Welcome.
  2. Register of attendance
  3. Apologies
  4. Confirmation of minutes of 2017 AGM (posted on Club’s Notice Board)
  5. Rear Commodore’s report for season 2017/2018
  6. Treasurer’s report
  7. Election of new office bearers:
    1. Rowing Commodore
    2. Club Captain
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Ladies Representative / Ladies Captain
    6. Boatman / Boatlady
    7. Coastal Rowing Representative
  8. General

 All rowers are urged to attend this meeting.


Notice is also given that the Annual General Meeting of Junior Members of Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club will be held in the Clubhouse on Sunday, 6th May 2018 at 10h00.

  1. To elect a Senior Member of the Club to serve as the Junior Representative on the General Committee.
  2. To elect a Junior Committee to manage the affairs of all Junior Members.
  3. General

All juniors are urged to attend this meeting. A meeting of the newly elected junior Committee will be held immediately after the above Meeting.

OFFICE BEARERS 2017 – 2018
PATRON IN CHIEF: Chief of the Navy
PATRONS: President of SAS & Alan Keen
PRESIDENT: Rick Nankin
COMMODORE: Craig Leslie
VICE COMMODORE: Felix Scheder-Bieschin

SAFETY: Robert Slater – JUNIORS: Karen Slater
HOUSE & GROUNDS: Theo Stock – DEVELOPMENT: Marco Tobin
MANAGER: Kathryn Hartley – ACCOUNTS: Anna Keytel

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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