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ZVYC News 6 August 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,

Ron and Anna leave today for their holiday to Chicago. They will be back on the 8th September. We wish them safe travels and a happy time!
On that note, I will also be away from the 17 to 21 August. Judy Allison (a long time member) will be in the office over those days – please give Judy all the support you have shown me this year! Judy’s Office hours will be Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Please make any necessary enquiries within those times.


ZYVC Opening Cruise – Sunday 30th August 2015 from 11h00
As always, this will be a fun day for all! The Commodore’s Salute followed by a “row-by” with Alfred Rowing Club, Bishop’s and SACS as well as an All Class Poker Fun Race. The Upper Deck will be open, Lunch will be served and Afternoon Tea and Cake available. (Members, please bring a cake for the afternoon tea’s. Thanking you in advance).

Junior Training Registration – Sunday 6th September 2015 from 10h30
Bring the children to register for our next Junior Training Term. Course Fee R750.00 per child and Oppie Boat Hire R750.00.

ZVYC Optimist / Laser Training Camp & Sleepover – 12 & 13 September 2015
This annual event is not to be missed with training and coaching for all levels. Get to know your fellow Oppie sailors from other clubs and have fun improving your sailing techniques. The sleepover will be in the clubhouse with dinner, breakfast and lunch for the children included (R500.00 per child-TBC).

Southern Charter Grand Slam 1 at ZVYC – 19 & 20 September 2015
Friday, 18 September: Provisional Registration (electronic entries are still required). The Upper Deck will be open with light meals available from Rochelle’s Kitchen. We will have the rescue boats out for practice and training and Camping is Free!
Saturday, 19 September: Registration continues where you will receive your Southern Charter Regatta Goodie Bag (look inside for your meal/drink vouchers). 11h00 is the proposed start of the first racing with separate courses for “big boats” and “small boats”. 3 races scheduled.
The Galley will be open all day as well as the Upper Deck Bar and Speed Bar downstairs. Live Music by “Just David” in the early evening and Big Screen Rugby World Cup RSA vs JPN to kick off at 19h00. We will have the Jumping Castle, Volley Ball, Foosball, Table Tennis, Darts and Pool for kids entertainment.
Sunday, 20 September: 09h30 “Bart’s Bash” registration and entry with mass all class start sail against the Rest of the World (bartsbash). It will be a very short race {don’t even come ashore} but afterwards go to your starting area for the first race of the last day’s racing. For this you need to pay a R10.00 entry fee (enter and do this at registration). All entries get a free champagne orange juice or Coffee and a muffin. ALL ENTRY FEES FOR THIS EVENT GO OVERSEAS TO PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SAILING! RSA was an recipient of funds last year.
Grand Slam racing continues with another 3 races. No race after 15h00, Prize giving 16h00 and lucky draws, afterwards snacks and drinks at the Upper Deck!
Look out for Mr Coffee for all your coffee specialties over the weekend!
Click here for the Southern Charter Grand Slam Series website: sasgrandslam


Team Western Cape off to sail in China
Five young sailors will represent Western Cape Province at the 7th Qingdao International Sailing Week, which will be held in Qingdao, China from 7 to 17 August 2015. Bev Le Sueur, Chairperson of South African Sailing (SAS) in the Western Cape stated, “these youngsters were selected from over sixty eight sailors in the Western Cape and will face tough competition in China from other sailing nations around the world.”
This invitation is a result of an agreement between the Provincial Government of the Western Cape and the Shandong Province, which hosts the Qingdao Sailing Centre – the centre that trains China’s Olympic Squad. The support to the sailing community from the Provincial Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport (DCAS) has been overwhelming. Anroux Marais, the MEC responsible for sport, recreation and cultural policy in the province, together with the officials in the department pulled out this stops over this last week, to make the particpation of these sailors in this prestigous international sailing competition possible.
MEC Anroux Marais expressed her well wishes to team Western Cape for the prestigious international yacht race in China. “The selected five sailors have already and will undoubtedly continue to make us proud as they represent the province internationally”, MEC Marais said.
“The allocation by MEC Marais of a special grant of R100,000 to ensure particpation of the Western Cape in this important international sailing competition is warmly welcomed by South African Sailing” said Saths Moodley and “we are hoping that the MECs of Sport in the other provinces, take the lead in supporting the only sport that integrates the sexes and ethnicity.” We applaud Galactic Gear, the company that specialises in extreme sailing apparel, for kitting out Team Western Cape.
SASWC extended the invitation to all yacht clubs in the Western Cape to nominate sailors for the team. Over 68 applications were received from highly competent sailors.  “Team Western Cape is representative of experience and youth”, said Bev le Sueur, SASWC chairperson.
Team Western Cape
Team Western Cape members are (left to right in photo):
Saths Moodley (SASWC Representative); Nina Pienaar (Univ. of Cape Town Yacht Club), Sieraj Jacobs (Manager – Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club), Paul Vivian (Royal Cape Yacht Club), Daniel Agulhas (Royal Cape Yacht Club Academy) and Theo Yon (Hout Bay Yacht Club).
SASWC will be represented by Saths Moodley at the Qingdao Opening Ceremony and will be negotiating future Agreements with Qingdao to include exchange programmes for other sailing classes.

SAS NATIONAL AGM Saturday, 22 August 2015 at RCYC, 12h00
Please find the Agenda here: SAS_AGM_Agenda_2015.pdf

Frostbite Regatta for Sonnets & Extras – Saturday 22 August 2015
Notice of Race Here: Frostbite_Regatta

RCYC Vacancy – Sailing Administrator
Please find the details here: Sail_Admin_Advert_July_2015.pdf

MAC – Youth Sailing Courses in October 2015
MAC will be running a Beginner (Level 1 & 2) and an Advanced (Level 4) course over the school holidays. Monday 5 – Thursday 8 October. Please contact Axel on 072 408 9431 for further information and bookings.

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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