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ZVYC News 30 July 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,

This evening the Club’s Committee is meeting at the Club with the leading role players and residents to discuss the way forward particularly concerning cooperation regarding the safe use of the waters, protection of the environs and better use of the Club’s facilities. We believe this can only be for the benefits of all Vlei users. A report back will be given in due course.

Breaking News

We are pleased to announce we are back and been asked to host the Southern Charter Grand Slam Regatta No1 This will be held on Saturday/Sunday 19th/20th Sept. The provisional programme is as follows:

Friday 18th September: Bring boats to the Vlei, Provisional Registration (you will still have to enter electronically) the entertainment will be the TGIF Format, with iPod music, the Upper Deck specials and Rochelle’s light catering.
Rescue boat on water for training and practicing.
There is “free camping”.

Saturday 19th September: Registration continues; Southern Charter “Goody” bags, 11h00 proposed start of 1st races, separate courses for “big boats” and “small boat’s”. Schedule to sail 3 races. On coming a shore a warm snack (free to ticket holders), check your goody bag for this and your free drink voucher.
Upper deck open, Bar specials and ”Free Sangria”. The Moorings draw will take place for the 1st five names to go forward to the Final Draw at the WPSA Champs at Easter with Live Music by “Just David”.
19h00 Big Screen Rugby World Cup RSA vs JPN
The galley will be open all day for breakfasts, lunches and evening meals. There will be a downstairs Bar.
During racing there will be a jumping castle for the kids and if no wind there are volley ball nets. Braai fires will be lit.
Also Mr. Coffee will be on site Sat & Sun serving his special brand of coffees.

Sunday 20th September: 09h30 BARTS BASH there is a separate entry fee for this, a mass all class start, sail against the rest of the world (
It will be a very short race {don’t even come ashore} but afterwards go to your starting area for the first race of the last day’s racing. For this you need to pay a R10.00 entry fee (enter and do this at registration). All entries can get a free champagne or orange juice or Coffee and a muffin.
Grand Slam racing continues with another 3 races. No race after 15h00, Prize giving 16h00 and lucky draws, afterwards snacks and drinks at the Upper Deck!


TGIF – Friday Night Talk – 31 July 2015
The Upper Deck will be open from 17h30 with a fascinating talk on the Serengeti and Tanzania from Dalton Gibbs of City of Cape Town Nature Conservation. Rochelle will be serving Lentil Rotis, Mince Rotis, Broccoli Soup and Vegetarian Samoosas!

Sunday Lunch Club – Sunday 2nd August 2015
Our monthly lunch will be served from noon. Meals from R55
Chicken Breyani; Creamy Prawn Pasta; Butternut and Lentil Curry w Rice


We are proud to mention that there have been renovations happening at the club during the off season. Sail Pro has a new office, all the bathrooms have been painted, the Men’s Outside Changerooms have been refurbished and the paving at the ARC shed is complete!

SAS NATIONAL AGM Saturday, 22 August 2015 at RCYC, 12h00
Please find the Agenda here: SAS_AGM_Agenda_2015.pdf

Frostbite Regatta for Sonnets & Extras – Saturday 22 August 2015
Notice of Race Here: Frostbite_Regatta

RCYC Vacancy – Sailing Administrator
Please find the details here: Sail_Admin_Advert_July_2015.pdf

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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