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BREAKING NEWS – Zeekoevlei Sailing Centre

“Well done to the ZVSC team”  – Craig Leslie, ZVYC
“Congratulations to all involved”-  Joanne Jackson, City of Cape Town
“Congrats on all the hard work.. the Centre deserves this award” – Mark Sher, IYC
“A big Mazeltov to you all on a well deserved recognition”- Howard Richman, RCYC
“Congratulations!  I am immensely proud as a Rotarian to be associated with your club”-
Stephen Bredenkamp, President:- Rotary Club of Wynberg 
“Wow!! That’s fantastically good news… Congratulations to all involved in winning this.”
Gordon Knight, former Wynberg Rotary liaison with ZVSC
“Brilliant achievement- well done to the entire team. You are an inspiration to others.
 This is richly deserved. All the best, Philip Baum, SAS WCape, Chairman.

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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