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ZVYC News 3 December 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,


Year End Social Get Together of Members and Sailing Friends –
Friday Evening (4th December 2015)

Upper Deck will be open from 18h30, remember to bring your plate of substantial snacks to share (Rochelle has offered to make a snack tray for you at R50 per tray, please contact her on 0723487223 to place an order ASAP).

Weekend Sailing
Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 2 Theewaters Sports Club.
We hear many of our members are attending. Full details on the Southern Charter Grand Slam website:
For members not going to Theewaters, we will be having club racing on Sunday morning starting at 10h30. Tuckshop open from 09h00 and galley from 12h00.


North Sails Sponsored Regatta – Sunday 29th November 2015
A very pleasant day was had by all who participated. The Upper Deck was busy afterwards with prize giving and the members enjoyed their boerie rolls and free drinks supplied by North Sails. Thank you to North Sails and their management team for attending the event and assisting on the water!
Results: North-Sails-Regatta-RESULTS
For images take a look at our facebook page: zeekoevleiyachtclub/photos


December 4th, Friday: Members Festive Get Together, upper deck, 18h30
December 5th, Saturday: Club House hired for a private wedding 14h00 using the East Lawn and Front lawn (members have access to the outside change rooms, boat parking, sailing and pool area)
December 11th, Friday: Kiln Contracts are having a year end function at the braai area from 11h00 to 15h00
December 12th, Saturday: from 10h00 to 13h00 Club Member Kids Sailing Party at the braai & pool area.
Club House hired for a private wedding 14h00 using the East Lawn
December 13th, Sunday: Upper Deck and Braai Area hired for a Club Member Year End Function 11h30 to 16h00
December 16th, Wednesday: Club house hired for a Private Wedding 16h00 using the East Lawn
December 17th, Thursday: Rotary Braai Dinner from 18h00 using the braai facilities and main hall
December 19th, Saturday: Club house hired for a private wedding from 15h00 using the East Lawn


Western Cape Optimist Association are holding their AGM on Saturday 5th December at Theewaters.

YOUTH NATIONALS Wiggleswhaite Dam, Eastern Cape
After the weekend many of our sailors and their families will be packing their boats and camping gear to go off and compete in the 2016 Championship event, we wish them a very safe journey, fair winds and support them in their efforts to bring back the trophies!
“Lets go Sailing”

Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 4 (SAS Provincial Championship) to be held at Saldanha Bay over the Easter Weekend (25 – 28 March 2016), accommodation is open ACCOMMODATION_BOOKING

Your Kiddies Sailing Party at ZVYC
You will notice that we are having the first of these events next Saturday 12 December, and the rate is quite reasonable at R1000.00. This facility is a bargain for all members needing to host a birthday party.
Terms & Conditions will apply.

Our accountant is going through debtors in order to reduce the outstanding fees by the clubs year end. If you have not paid yet, please make payment advising us accordingly.
A defaulters list will be posted on the notice board in January.

You will notice that our neighbour is erecting a new vibacrete wall going up to the right of the open boat parking. Great news for extra security!

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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