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SGM Final Reminder and Document Links

Dear Members,
This is a final reminder of our Special General Meeting tonight starting at 19h00 at Zeekoevlei Yacht Club.


  1. To raise a Special Levy of twenty percent of the applicable membership fees in respect of providing bridging finance due to a dispute with SARS who have drawn down our Reserve;
  2. To elect Millicent Keen as our Rear Commodore Sailing replacing Morgan Evans who has resigned;
  3. To consider and if approved by a two-thirds majority, amendments to Constitution necessary for NPO Status from the Dept of Social Welfare;
  4. To consider and if approved by a two-thirds majority, changes to our Constitution to fall in line with current circumstances;
  5. To consider and if approved by a two-thirds majority plans to cover the area between the new 3 garages on the north boundary of the Club.

Attachments at follows:
* should these not download, please see our website under NEWS, 25 January 2018




Bishops Shed Proposed Roof Drawings.pdf

Kathryn Hartley

Sail at ZVYC

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