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Spring Rowing Regatta Report – 24th October 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,

On Saturday, 24 October, the Western Cape Rowing’s Spring Regatta took place at Zeekoevlei.  There  was a  strong representation from the Cape which produced some excellent rowing from (in alphabetical order) Alfred’s, Bishops, Cape Coastal, Grassy Park, PGRC, Rondebosch, SACS, Somerset College & WCRA entrants.  The 500m buoyed course was laid along the southern side of Home Bay by Alfred’s members Tommy Brummer & Regan Dolman, and the safety boats, starters, boat aligners, marshals, and race timekeeping was organised in large part by club Captain Gavin Kirk, in co-operation with Roger Parsons and other Wespro officials.

The day dawned with beautiful clear, almost calm weather, but through the morning the wind strengthened and backed to a strong northerly, which caused difficulties for some of the smaller, lighter boats.

A lot can happen in 500m, and some spirited racing ensued in all classes!
Alfred’s was happy to host the event and were especially proud of their new “brown shed” roof!  Food was ably provided by Rochelle, and the Pimms flowed, especially towards the end of racing!  Martin Vanlierde stood-in for Vice-commodore Andrew, and presented medals to all class winners.
A special word of thanks must go to Tommy and his team for helping some distressed rowers going back to their sheds in the strong afternoon winds after the end of racing, and also for lifting the buoys the next morning with his crew of helpers (Tweet, Lionel, Duncan & Regan)!  Results can be found …………. in the following attachment – or note they can be obtained from me, etc ……………..
We would also like to thank Commodore Mark Thompson, Craig Leslie & the other members of ZVYC for co-hosting and helping out in many ways to make this a very successful and enjoyable day.”

RESULTSSpring Regatta 2015 Results
You can view and purchase photo’s from the regatta here:

Nigel Brown
Alfred Rowing Club

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

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