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ZVYC News 12 November 2015

Dear Sailors and Friends,


Junior Training
 Our Juniors had a wonderful day out in the sunshine with a gentle wind guiding them along.

Attention Dabchick Sailors:
Peter Hall will be coaching our Dabchick fleet here at ZVYC every Sunday from 09h30.

Come on down to the club!


Friday, 13th November 2015 – 18h30
Alfred’s is holding a meeting in the ZVYC Upper Deck Bar area this coming Friday (13th November) beginning at 18h30, to watch a presentation on this past-year’s World Masters Rowing Championships in Belgium from Lionel & Martin, hear comments from attendees at other recent international regattas, and then discuss the club’s training plans towards the next international event.
The cost is R50 which covers the evening’s program, snack-platters provided by Rochelle and a ticket in the multi-prize raffle.  Further tickets can be purchased for R10 each.  The cash bar will be open from 18h00.
Come and make your vote count for the coming season!

Saturday, 14th November 2015
The office will be open from 08h30 to 15h00

Sunday, 15th November 2015
Junior Training resumes from 09h30
Club Racing: Spring Series Round 9 – Start Time 10h30
The weather is looking great for Sunday with a warm of 19 degrees Celcius and a southerly wind.
Calling all sailors – don’t miss out on additional chances in our wonderful SunSail/Moorings Draw – aweek of sailing at one of their boat charter destinations on a luxury Multi hull! (For each race you sail in the Spring Series, your name goes into the draw).

The tuckshop will be open from 09h00 and the Galley will be open for lunch on Sunday with delicious meals available from 12h00 prepared by Rochelle (meals from R20). Let’s support our caterer!
~Chicken Soup & Roll~
~Creamy chicken & Pepperdew Pasta ~ Mushroom Stroganoff w Rice or Caulimash~
~Cherry Crumble w Custard~


November 13th, Friday: Upper Deck Hired for a fundraising function, Alfred Rowing Club, from 18h30 , all welcome
November 14th, Saturday: Club House hired for a private wedding 15h00 with East Lawn (members have access to the outside change rooms, boat parking, sailing and pool area)
November 21st, Saturday: Club House hired for a private wedding 12h00 (members have access to the outside change rooms, boat parking, sailing and pool area)
November 27th, Friday: The Gantouw Project, Dalton Gibbs of CoCT talk, Upper Deck, 17h30
November 28th, Saturday: ZVSC are having an Open Day from 10h00 to 13h30
Club House hired for a private wedding 16h00 (members have access to the outside change rooms, boat parking, sailing and pool area)
November 29th, Sunday: North Sails Regatta


Friday, 27th November 2015, The Gantouw Project Talk by Dalton Gibbs – ALL welcome
It’s confirmed! Please join us on FRIDAY, 27th November 2015 to listen to Dalton Gibbs (of City of Cape Town Nature Conservation) talk on the Gantouw Project (Eland). Upperdeck Bar will be open from 17h30 and the talk will start around 19h00. Food will be available from Rochelle’s Kitchen during the evening.

SAS – Race Officer Course – 28th November @ RCYC
Click here to find out more: Race_Officer_Course

SAS – Youth Nationals – 13 to 18 December 2015
Wriggleswade Dam, Stutterheim, Eastern Cape
Follow the links for NOR and Entry form:
NOR_Youth_Nationals_2015 & Entry_Youth_Nationals_2015

See you down at the club this weekend!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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