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ZVYC News 16 April 2020

ZVYC News 16 April 2020

Lockdown Edition

Dear Members and Friends,
We hope you managed to have a happy and peaceful Easter weekend, trying not to think about the sailing you could have had without the lockdown.
Behind the scenes we are busy preparing the club for life after the pandemic. Accounts for the Financial Year ending 29.2.2019 have are being finalised and we are currently preparing budgets for the coming year and preparing for our AGM scheduled for 13 May 2020. Discussions with SASWC about the sailing calendar are finalised and we will soon table the combined SASWC and ZVYC sailing program for the season ahead of us. More in a subsequent newsletter

In the meantime we have to report the untimely passing of our member Craig Butcher who succumbed to a battle with cancer. Len Davies, our past commodore, kindly prepared his obituary (link below). Please spare a quiet moment to pray for Craig, his friends and his family.
Len writes, “The Western Cape and Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club Laser fleets have lost once of their most enthusiastic sailors with the sad passing of Craig Butcher after a protracted, but stoically fought battle with cancer …” read more …

Some great community information from our local Sidney Jacobs & and news about people doing amazing things during lockdown, one being Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club’s caterer Rochelle Pascucci from Rochelle’s Kitchen
Rochelle is supplying home-cooked meals & organic vegetable boxes, sourced from Philippi farmers.
She is also helping to feed needy communities in Lavender Hill, Muizenberg & Vrygrond as well as supplying ingredients to a soup kitchen in Pelikan Park.
Rochelle is looking for containers for food such as yoghurt & ice-cream tubs & plastic bottles for water. She will collect foodstuffs & containers from Zeekoevlei residents on Mondays between 10:00am & 11:00am. She will also accept financial donations.
For more info/banking details, contact her on Tel: 072 348 7223 Email: effort.
read the full article here

Before we were all forced to our homes, we’d been very busy fixing & sorting and had a long list of jobs still to do over the winter season. The flag pole has been dropped to service the pulleys & replaced the halyard lines. Unfortunately we’ve had to pause our winter work and leave the club for the birds, geckos & spiders. The grass will be growing long, the pool, thanks to our neighbours, continues to receive its chlorine & top-ups. We feel like we’re at the starting blocks waiting in great anticipation for the gun to go off so we can get back to the club … but all in good time.

We’ve had a great season in both rowing and sailing. We’d like to acknowledge and thank all the staff, coaches and volunteers that have made it all possible. Not ever forgetting the parents who run around after their kids & the spouses that give your sportsmen & women the time to enjoy and participate in their sports!

Stay safe,
on behalf of ZVYC

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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