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ZVYC’s 88th AGM 13 MAY 2020

Wednesday 13th of May 2020, 19h00 

via Zoom Video Conference  and Dial-In phone call

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD – 2020-Explanations-and-Agenda-88th-ZVYC-AGM-1.pdf

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD – 2019-2020-ZVYC Annual Report (88th).pdf

Dear Members,

Attached, please find the Agenda for our AGM and some further explanations. In order to adapt to the electronic format please be so kind and note the following:
Although it is not mandatory to do so, it would be very helpful if everybody could advise if he/she will attend the meeting. We would be very grateful if you could register at this link:
The meeting will be held on Zoom and we will provide a link for the Video Conference and dial-in numbers for South Africa and the UK. Other numbers can be provided on request. You can use a smartphone, MAC or Windows PC. Dial-in is possible from mobile phones and land lines. We do not know the costs of a smart phone call but an hour’s call from a landline costs about R60.

Below is a link for a test meeting which you can use at your leisure in order to ensure that this works with your equipment. THIS IS NOT THE LINK FOR OUR AGM, IT IS FOR TESTING ONLY. A new link for the AGM will be sent out the day before no later than 6pm.
Join Zoom Meeting – 3 options to join the TEST MEETING
    a)   Use the link to join the Zoom meeting
   b)    Dial-in one tap mobile phone link
    c)    Dial-in by your location 
     Request the link details from the office or find them in your ZVYC Newsletter…

On the day of the AGM, Zoom will lead you into a “virtual waiting room”, hosted by Thomas Slater. He will take down your names and then admit you to the meeting itself. The Meeting room open at 6:45pm, please be on time and enter the waiting room no later than 7pm so we can start the real meeting at 7:15pm.
You will see that the Agenda includes a couple of points in order to allow for the electronic meeting. Otherwise, we will try to keep the meeting as simple as possible while still allowing for proper discussions on the individual items.
This is the first time we conduct an official meeting electronically so please be patient if it does not run smoothly from the beginning. We all prefer the personal one and hope to be able to make up for this soon.

Kind regards,
Felix Scheder-Bieschin
On behalf of the ZVYC Committee

Notice is hereby given that the Eighty Eighth Annual General Meeting of Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club (incorporating Alfred Rowing Club) will be held on Wednesday 13th of May 2020, 19h00 
via Zoom Video Conference and Dial-In phone call


1.    Attendance register
2.    To agree with the committees decision to hold this meeting electronically and electronic recording of the meeting.
3.    To temporarily waive certain requirements of the constitution in order to adapt to running the meeting electronically:
   –    Clause 14.(b).: to allow for nominations of committee members via e-mail prior to the meeting or verbally at the meeting. 
   –    Clause 14.(d).: to accept notice of the meeting by e-mail, waiving the requirement to display such notice at the Headquarters of the club.

4.    To confirm the minutes of the eighty seventh AGM of the club held on 7th of May 2019
5.    To approve and adopt the Annual Financial Statements for the financial year ending 29th February 2020
6.    To discuss annual reports prepared by the committee. (Due to electronic format there will be questions and answers, reports will be sent out later this week).
7. To consider and approve membership fees for the year 2020/2021 and the introduction of a debit order option for payment.
7.    To elect office bearers of the club as prescribed in Article 14 (a) of the constitution.
8.    General business
– HA van Hoogstraten Trophy

Yours sincerely,
Felix Scheder-Bieschin

Sail at ZVYC

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