ZVYC News 18 December 2015
Dear Sailors and Friends,
The Club Office will be closing on Thursday 24th December 2015 and re-open on Monday the 4th January 2016. Joe and Anne will be on the premises during the week when the office is closed. Should you need anything from the office, please contact us before then.
Swimming Pool
We will be locking the swimming pool gate when the Club is closed and when there is a function on at the club. Members can please call the office to get the code for the combination lock for access to the pool.
December, 18th, Friday: The Committee and Staff are having their Year End Function, 13h00
December 19th, Saturday: Club house hired for a private wedding from 13h00 using the East Lawn
January 4th, Monday: The office will re-open
January 15th, Friday: TGIF series 18h00 – Come down and Sail, and join us for a Bring & Braai!
January 17th, Sunday: Open Day and Dinghy Boat Show. All Welcome!
January 24th, Sunday: Summer Series, Round 1
January 30th, Saturday: Club house hired for a private wedding from 17h00
January 31st, Sunday: Summer Series, Round 2
Youth Nationals – Wriggleswade Dam, Eastern Cape
To check the results daily, follow the link to the website: sas-yn-2015-results
We have over 17 sailors sailing in this event and we are very proud of our Optimist and 4.7 Radial Fleets. Sail well today (the final day) guys!
Year End Get Together (Friday, 4th December 2015)
As previously reported, it was a well attended event during which we sent around a donation box and we are pleased to announce that over R1000 was collected. We have used this money to buy Christmas Day food and donated it to The Douglas Murray house for the aged. We received the following letter of thanks:
“Dear Friends
On behalf of the residents and staff at the Douglas Murray Home for the Aged we want to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation Zeekoevlei Yacht Club and residents for your wonderful donation of Christmas Hampers to the home.
In these tough economic times that we are operating in, we really value and appreciated every single act of kindness and show of support.
Your generosity and kindness is much appreciated.
God Bless and do have a beautiful day.
Warm regards,
Esme Fortuin
Email: fundraising@douglasmurray.co.za
Website: www.douglasmurray.co.za”
Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 4 (SAS Provincial Championship) to be held at Saldanha Bay over the Easter Weekend (25 – 28 March 2016), accommodation is open ACCOMMODATION_BOOKING
Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron