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ZVYC News 28 November 2014

Dear Sailors and Friends,

This weekend at the club;

Sorry, no Big Screen Rugby this weekend. In spite of what we said last week,  there will be no rugby being shown this weekend as the Club is hired out for a private function.

While on the subject of Club Hire, we are about to enter our very busy period for Club hiring, which will carry through to April next year. Only the kitchen and downstairs and sometimes the grounds are hired out.
When the Club is hired out, it is not closed for members –  the Upper deck is available and the outside toilets, you can still sail, but we ask you to respect the Club’s clients and their functions, as the income from this source is substantial and assists us with our budget.

Last round of Spring Series is this Sunday 30 November and racing starts at 10h30 the format has been variable depending on the consensus of the skippers and the weather. The overall positions in this series carry through as a one race score in the Sunsail Club Championships next year

Junior Training will carry on as usual it is a big group with newcomers enjoying their training and we are now thrilled to have 3 Dabchicks on our training course.

In the pipeline:  

Alfred’s Social evening:  Set aside Friday the 12th Dec when Alfred’s are having a social evening starting with drinks at the Upper Deck from 17h30 followed by a presentation by Tommy Brummer a foremost town planner on the Cape Town CBD future developments, Rochelle will be serving a Lasagna & salads supper. It should be a very enjoyable evening that I am looking forward to attending.

Last Club Racing Day this year will be Sunday 7th Dec with many many events taking place during the School Hols; Mirror Worlds, Youth Nationals, Sonnet Nationals, Crocs Regatta, etc etc.

Other News

Results from last Sundays racing (Club Sponsored Series)
Laser Standard  1st  Pete Wilson; 2nd Alistair Keytel; 3rd Alan Keen.
Laser Radial       1st Brian Hallock; 2nd Simon van Nierop; 3rd Hilary Gardener
420’s                  1st Duane Peterson & Fauard Shaik 2nd David Jacobs & Daniel Agulhas
Finns                  1st Paul Wilcox   2nd Chris Gough 3rd Mark Thompson
Sonnets             1st Ryan Pentlofe & Dean Topaz 2nd Tom vd Ploeg & N Pienaar
Optimists            1st Alex Brooks 2nd Jemina Baum;        Novi Oppi Rhys Ravat
Full results on our website here

Storage Facilities available at ZVYC
Tired of bringing your sailing equipment each weekend to the Club? We have built a secure storage area to go with our Garage, which we recently hired out. These areas are  a 1.5 m long x 1.0m wide shelf with a separate mast rack are. There are 5 spaces only left, they have a separate dedicated key given only to renters. Call the office now or email book your storage area!

Student Casual Help Wanted
We have two persons already, but are still looking for a couple more. The Club is desirous of being open on Saturday’s we are anxious to have a couple of students on duty doing Reception work. Currently it is quite quiet but we anticipate things to pick up over the summer season. We envisage hours of 09h00 to 13h00 and 13h00 to 17h00. Ideal secure quiet location, ideal for studying and earning some pocket money at the same time. Any members know anybody interested please have them contact the office on 021 7053373 or email us

Email received re Andy sailing – could be of interest
Hello Anna
Does anyone sail Andy’s any more?
I have an Andy with fibreglass hull (needing repair), together with all fittings, spars, sails (main, jib, spinnaker), rigging, and including an original 1966 Andy Handbook giving full construction details.  I am willing to give this all away to anyone who can make use of it.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to put this e-mail on your notice board.
With regards
Clive Thorpe
021 671 7770 / 082 451 2476  

Wishing you a wonderful Friday! See you on the water on Sunday!

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna and Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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