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ZVYC News 8 January 2016

Dear Sailors and Friends,

From ZVYC we wish you a very happy and prosperous 2016!

We are opening the new year with our annual open day, boat show and junior registrations. Come on down to the club, bring your family and friends and enjoy a day out with us at ZVYC on Sunday, 17th January 2016 from 09h00!


January 15th, Friday: TGIF series 18h00 – Come down and Sail, and join us for a Bring & Braai!
January 16th, Saturday: Braai/Pool area hired for a member’s kiddie party from 10h00 to 16h00
January 17th, Sunday: Open Day and Dinghy Boat Show. All Welcome! Protea Cricket action on our club TV’s, Upper Deck Bar Open
January 24th, Sunday: Summer Series, Round 1
January 30th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 17h00
January 31st, Sunday: Summer Series, Round 2
February 6th, Saturday: Club house hired for a wedding starting at 15h00
February 12th, Friday: TGIF series 18h00
February 13th & 14th, Sat & Sunday: Sunsail Club Champs & Sunsail Cruise Draw, you must be there to claim your prize
SunSail/Moorings Draw – a week of sailing anywhere in the world on a Catamaran! (For each race you sail in at any ZVYC Series, your name goes into the draw to win this wonderful prize).


Port Owen River Race – 23rd & 24th January, follow this link for more information: PO_River_Race_Entry_Form_2016

Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 3 to be held at Hermanus Yacht Club Saturday 6th February and Sunday 7th February 2016. See the website for more information: southern-charter-grand-slam-3-hermanus-yacht-club/

Southern Charter Grand Slam Round 4 (SAS Provincial Championship) to be held at Saldanha Bay over the Easter Weekend (25 – 28 March 2016), accommodation is open ACCOMMODATION_BOOKING

MAC 24 Hour Challenge – save the dates, 12 – 13 March 2016

Best wishes,
on behalf of ZVYC,
Anna, Kathryn & Ron

Sail at ZVYC

ZVYC provides training programs for multiple ages and levels – the most popular being the junior courses. To find out more about these programs please contact us.

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